Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Of Ice and Men...

We didn't shoot a wedding last weekend, nor an engagement shoot. It was our first weekend off in a while, and we truly enjoyed it. Josh and I went to Josh's second cousin's 9th birthday party instead. It was held at an ice skating rink. We sat around and relaxed and enjoyed just hanging out with all of our family. I ice skated until I fell down, and then I was done. We swore we weren't going to photograph anything...but as always we couldn't resist.

Cassandra was the birthday girl. I think I wore that exact same hair doodad on my 9th birthday, although I sported a I Love JTT tshirt instead. I think I like Troy more though....

Josh was grouchy as always, so I decided to skate by myself :)

Although after about ten minutes I was done, and the skates were off. 

Plus I missed Josh. We're never really apart for very long.

After that it was time for cake....

I think you could tell I was anticipating it...

Cassandra had a hard time blowing out all the candles, but after about oh....six or seven times she finally blew out the last one.

I don't think I was the only one anticipating cake....

I think we all enjoyed it. Some more than others:

Finally, we all watched in awe as the Zamboni machine cleaned the ice. I always wanted to ride one when I was little...I think it's every little boys and girls dream to ride the Zamboni at one point....

All in all, it was a great party. It was so nice just to spend time with our family. We're actually doing our soon to be cousin-in-law's maternity photos in the next couple of weeks so stay tuned...

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